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Azman wins the 2nd Monthly Medal after count-back at Holzhäusern.

Updated: May 19

IGSZ MM2 was tied after playing 18 holes today between Azman and Ralph with 32 points each. On count back Azman made a bogey on the last hole while Ralph had a snowman ☃️ on the cards for zero! That made Azman the winner today picking up a goodies bag and a sleeve of new IGSZ branded golf balls. Joined 2nd were Danny and Till with 31!

Azman also was victorious for NTP on hole 11 today with a dialed in shot to appx. 4 meters.

Lance’s team won the team competition this weekend with a staggering 49 points. 🤔

1 more statistic since we also had 1 knock out match played today. Congrats to Adrian since he beat Aqeel 2up!! (We will try to update the table so everyone is up to speed on who won and what games are next)

Congratulations to the winners and runner up’s.

B.t.w. The other photo is Bill looking for his car keys after he drove his cart into the ditch 😂

MM2 scores.

Azman 32* (wins on countback.)

Ralph 32

Danny 31

Till 31

Steve 30

Michael M. 30

Marcel 29

Kyle 29

Heikki 28

Patrick L. 28

Doug 27.

Hayden 27

Iain 27

Bjorn 26

Lance 24

Adrian L. 23

Ron 22

Charles 20

Bill 20

Aqeel 19

Team. 49

Lance Steve B. Michael. Ralph

NTP Azman

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